Vernal Equinox — April 4-7, 2023


Vernal equinox — April 4-7, 2023

What is bursting up and out of the waking winter soil of your soul?

Can you smell it? Can you smell the green blushing the skunk cabbage, the red of the maple bud, the musk of earth now soft and muddy after a winter of hardening?

Do you feel it? Do you feel the quickening? The seeds are shaking. The birds are in flight all the way from Argentina. The sap has been and continues to move hundreds of gallons of liquid up and down and up and down and up and down while the earth tilts back towards the sun. Can you feel it?

This is the spring! This is the dawn! This is newness and freshness and infancy and vulnerability and breaking up and through. This is waking and quaking and throwing off the rust and dust and slumber of winter. This is spring.

In this four-day immersive experience, days are spent in and on the land, in circle and in solitude. We will gather each morning, share our hearts, and take to the land with a prompt to walk. Upon our return, we’ll share lunch and story, an afternoon of integration, and an evening of deepening connection through story and sharing.

Facilitator: Peter McLean

Location: Woolman Hill in Deerfield MA

Arrival: Noon on April 4th

Departure: 3 PM on April 7th

Cost: $400 to $700

Group Size: 8 to 12