Online Gatherings

The Inner Author: Winter to Spring

Have a book in you? Need support? Guidance? Accountability? Encouragement? ME TOO! Join this 13-week cohort and bring your book more fully into the world.

Open House

An evening of facilitated connection with Judy Hall and Peter McLean. Come and meet others along the path. Come and share stories. Come and be nourished. Come and nourish. We are not meant to do this alone. So. Let’s not. At least for a night.

The Incarnating Child: 6 Session Journey

How do we walk with reverence and care and deep listening towards conception? The Incarnating Child is for people considering conception, actively trying, and those in relationship to those who are.

The Brothers’ Hearth

A weekly container for men striving to become more emotionally attuned, powerfully driven, sexually alive and potent, trustworthy and clear, artistic, authentic, in challenging inquiry with their inherited legacy, and in deep relationship with self, others, and earth.

In-Person Gatherings

Moonrise Women’s circle — 2023

Women are rising. The Earth and Moon call us to love ourselves and one another with tenderness, honesty, creativity, vulnerability, and fierceness. The living Earth needs us, we need Her, and we need one another. We hear the song of a circle forming, a circle of women meeting on the Moonside of the Sun’s path. Please join us.

Tracking the Wild mind — 2022

Exploring the overlay between landscape and psyche. What does the land teach us and show us about ourselves when we ask, when we dance, when we praise, and grieve and make offerings and altars? What comes alive? What becomes whole? And what becomes possible when a group gathers together to learn and listen to the wisdom alive in their hearts and of the wild landscape.

Vision Fast — Summer 2023

Facilitating the pan-cultural ritual of solitude and fasting in a wild landscape for a small and committed group of people eager to live deeply into the purpose of their wild and precious lives.

Spring Retreat — 2023

A four-night, land-based retreat designed to court connection with the land during this eruptive time of seasonal change.

The Lindworm Retreat — 2023

2 nights, 3 days, 1 story, 2 flowers, 12 nightshirts, 12 sets of scales, 2 baths, 2 brushes, 1 shepardess, 1 oak tree, 2 sons, and all that comes with denying who we are and then eventually courting back all the disowned parts of ourselves. This is a land-based retreat following the Scandanavian story, The Lindworm.

13 Moons — Fall 2023 - Fall 2024

A year-long apprenticeship in guiding community and land-based ceremony and ritual gatherings. Our cohort will travel around the solar year meeting on the Saturdays closest to the new moon.

Four Night Story

The days are spent as you like: crafting around a fire, learning and singing songs, making masks, and more. The evenings are filled with story, song and drum. This is a large, family-friendly gathering to remember into all that we are when we come together.

Mystery Myth Immersion — 2023

You won’t know. You won’t know. You won’t know. What story you are about to dive into, be swallowed by, enchanted with for the next 48 hours. Until. The fire is lit, the stars high, and your ears hear the words, “Once upon a time…”

The Stars and Their Stories — Fall 2023 — Fall 2024

When’s the last time you gathered, eight times over a year, in a big blanketed pile of community to learn the stars, learn a few of their stories, sing the star songs, and receive some handmade star-and-story inspired art?