The Lindworm Retreat


The lindworm Retreat

Language is magic.  
And story
is magic—
with wings and a beating heart.  

The Lindworm is a Scandinavian story recently popularized by Martin Shaw that has flown here through storm and surge, over mountain steppe and desert chaparral, has dodged the hawk's dive, but only narrowly, and is soon to perch and preen, coo and call, for a small group, next to a brook, for two nights in the middle of August.

On August 12-14, through the wisdom, magic and wonder imbued in the story, we will endeavor to court back the parts of ourselves that have been banished and disowned—a mission that will make more sense once you hear the story. This is a weekend in wholeing, in healing, in inviting back our fullness in the company of a caring and daring circle.

Join Kelly Kietzman and Peter McLean as they partner with you, the story, and the wisdom of a wild landscape to bring us all into deeper connection and relationship with the fullness of ourselves, through craft, song, fire, feasting, grieving, and being. 

Facilitators: Kelly Kietzman and Peter McLean

Location: Brooks Bend Farm in Montague MA

Accommodations: We will be making a pop-up village together.  Bring your own tent etc for two nights in August. 

Meals:   Kelly and Pete will take care of Friday dinner, and Saturday and Sunday breakfast. Participants, once registered, will sign up for sharing meal planning, purchasing and prep for Saturday lunch and dinner and Sunday lunch.

Special Supplies: Please bring a shirt that you love, that fits you the way you like, and that you’d like to adorn with beauty and meaning.  Additionally, any of the items that you like to have with you when entering into sacred and ceremonial spaces.

Cost: $350 to $500

Please register to reserve your spot.