Since early September of 2021 a small group of hearts and souls committed to traveling around the wheel of a year, meeting on the Sundays closest to the new moon, to see what comes when a group endeavors to partner with the wisdom and intelligence inherent in themselves and the wisdom and intelligence inherent in the landscape while sharing what emerges in circle and ceremony.
Rain, snow, wind, heat, grief, joy, anger, ancestors, fires, stones, stories, songs and sobs. All of what it means to be human has been courted, invited, allowed, and experienced.
Our framework deviates from time to time but often consists of a welcoming, an invocation, an opening circle, a question or a prompt to take privately out onto the landscape to court the wisdom of the wilderness, a break for lunch, a facilitated storytelling of our time out on the land, and closing up for the day.
You are invited to join us.
You are invited to bring the entire universe of you, all of its constellations, birthing and dying stars, all the storms and surges, all the beaches and dappled shade, all the ancient mountains and ephemeral streams. All of you. Your grief. Your joy. Your reluctance. Your suspicion. Your glowing red ember of a beautiful beating heart.
You are invited to join the land. To feel the wind on your face and wonder about all the faces that wind has touched as it's swept across the countryside. To walk and wander in a forest and to remember that there is as much tree below as there is above. To hear the babble of a brook and listen for the song its singing to you. To get lost in the overwhelming reality that the earth is teeming with life and death and transformation forever and ever and always.
Join us for the 2023 season of 13 Moons.
Facilitators: Peter McLean and Judy Hall
Program Dates and Times:
January 22nd — 9 AM to 4 PM
February 19th — 9 AM to 4 PM
March 19th — 4 AM to 11 AM ***Yeah, you read that correctly***
April 23rd — 9 AM to 4 PM
May 21st — 9 AM to 4 PM
June 18th — 9 AM to 4 PM
July 16th — 9 AM to 4 PM
August 20th — 9 AM to 4 PM
September 17th — 9 AM to 4 PM
October 15th— 9 AM to 4 PM
November 12th — 9 AM to 4 PM
December 10th— 9 AM to 4 PM
Cost: $1600 to $2600
Location: Our meeting places will vary with the season. All gathering sites are within an hour drive of Montague MA.
Bring a meal, snacks, water, seasonally appropriate clothing and gear, blanket or low camp chair to sit on, whatever else you might need to be outside for the day.
Payment secures your registration.